A very good point to ask any JW to consider!
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Where’s the Anger Toward Child Abuse
by xjwsrock inthey can smash a glass expressing their disdain for higher education.
where is their anger over child abuse or domestic violence?
these are actually issues worthy of anger and even a violent display in order to gain attention.
Carts on both ends of the farmersmarket
by Still Totally ADD inmy wife and me have a booth at the local framers market.
there is usually about 12 t0 14 vendors each week on a small short street in town.
what is funny on each end of this short street are cart setups with 3 people on each cart.
The Fall Guy
Trolley JW's cannot, and know that they cannot, defend their cult's dogmas or practices, thanks to the information age - information which their "faithful slave-masters" in Warwick forbid them from even looking at!
Wonderful example of JW's obediently following the org's orders to run away if confronted.
What happened to jtrottigy?
by Freedom rocks injust curious if he's still lurking and making idle threats.
you can't find all of us who are on jwtalk!
hopefully what you've read on this site has made you start to think and see the truth about the organisation though that "it's not the truth!
The Fall Guy
@ DOC - the sad truth is that most of the lurkers here don't just get "seeds" of truth, they get complete truths and Bible facts - information which JW minds have been warned/threatened/conditioned not to consider.
Regarding the org's alleged Bible teachings, the JW psyche has been primed to stop discussing these with anyone who can use the scriptures just as well/better than JW's can.
e.g. the trolley-elder who couldn't reply honestly to my statement about the org's invention of "new" scrolls. He told me to write to the UK Branch if I wanted answers to my questions!!! Shepherds & glorious ones? LOL
For New Lurkers - The Great Tribulation Myth
by The Fall Guy inthe wtbts/"faithful slave" have been promising/warning bible students & jw's for over 100 years that the great tribulation of matthew 24 was imminent.
this fear-factor is also used annually to "motivate" inactive jw's into attending the memorial.. does the bible teach that the tribulations of matthew 24:21 & revelation 7:14 are one and the same?.
the great tribulation spoken of at revelation 7:14 cannot be the same one jesus spoke of at matthew 24:21 - for two reasons: .
The Fall Guy
w13 7/15 p. 3 par. 2 - “Tell Us, When Will These Things Be?” - "Through the years, Jehovah’s servants have prayerfully studied Jesus’ prophecy about the last days. They have sought to get a clearer understanding [in other words, disregard what Jesus said at Acts 1:7] of the timing of the fulfillment of Jesus’ words."
(Acts 1:7) "He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction."
LOL :) Why did we not see such simple real truths when we were active??????
For New Lurkers - The Great Tribulation Myth
by The Fall Guy inthe wtbts/"faithful slave" have been promising/warning bible students & jw's for over 100 years that the great tribulation of matthew 24 was imminent.
this fear-factor is also used annually to "motivate" inactive jw's into attending the memorial.. does the bible teach that the tribulations of matthew 24:21 & revelation 7:14 are one and the same?.
the great tribulation spoken of at revelation 7:14 cannot be the same one jesus spoke of at matthew 24:21 - for two reasons: .
The Fall Guy
The WTBTS/"faithful slave" have been promising/warning Bible Students & JW's for over 100 years that the great tribulation of Matthew 24 was imminent. This fear-factor is also used annually to "motivate" inactive JW's into attending the Memorial.
Does the Bible teach that the tribulations of Matthew 24:21 & Revelation 7:14 are one and the same?
The great tribulation spoken of at Revelation 7:14 cannot be the same one Jesus spoke of at Matthew 24:21 - for two reasons:
a) The great tribulation at Revelation 7:14 is a reference to the same great tribulation mentioned five chapters previously by the angel at Revelation 2:22.
This tribulation would be instigated by Christ himself - against those who were corrupting the congregations. The angel was describing a distinctly different tribulation in Revelation, one which was future - not one which had already occurred almost 30 years previously.
b) At Matthew 24:21, Jesus said "....no, nor will occur again".
Can something which Jesus said would never be repeated, have another fulfilment?
It is nonsensical to insist that different scriptures are discussing the same topic simply because they contain similar expressions.
Example: Acts 7:11 speaks of a "great tribulation," but even JW's would see that the surrounding verses and context eliminate any connection to Matthew 24:21.
JW's - Use the same logic & reasoning when trying to connect Matthew 24:21 with Revelation 2:22 & 7:14.
They don't & cannot connect - because they are entirely different scenarios.
Use the scriptures to readjust your thoughts & fears regarding the org's "impending" great tribulation.
J.W`s Taking the Oath To Tell The Truth on The Bible / Affirmation
by smiddy3 inhow outdated is the compulsion of people before the law courts of the land to take an oath on the bible to /swear on the bible to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me god.or its equivalent affirmation.?.
and even if you do claim to believe in god but feel giving information to those who don`t deserve it then withholding such information is justified as theocratic warfare deliberately misleading those seeking such information.. if you don`t believe in a god ,you can lie all you like .. and in the case of geoffrey jackson at the a.r.c.
into institutions of child sexual abuse ,he had no problem misleading ,another word for lying to the a.r.c.
The Fall Guy
A verbal oath isn't worth the paper it's written on! -
Points From the December Study Watchtower
by The Fall Guy inpage 3, par.
2 - "...a 19th century visitor cried out, “oh, what a paradise!”.
(companion & useful guide to the beauties of scotland, by the hon.
The Fall Guy
Page 3, par. 2 - "...a 19th century visitor cried out, “Oh, what a paradise!”
(Companion & Useful Guide to the Beauties of Scotland, by The Hon. Sarah Murray of Kensington. Published 1799)
Since the writer's book was published in 1799, I would make that the 18th century.
Page 4, par. 7, 8 - "God said that he would multiply Abraham’s offspring [seed] “like the grains of sand on the seashore.” And Jehovah made this meaningful promise: “By means of your offspring [seed] all nations of the earth will obtain a blessing for themselves because you have listened to my voice.” (Gen. 22:17,18)
8 There is no indication in the Bible that Abraham thought that humans would get a final reward in a heavenly paradise."
But what about the alleged 144,000???????
(Galatians 3:29) "Moreover, if YOU belong to Christ, [Christians] YOU are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise."
Page 8 QFR - "logically, suggests, can refer to, It seems, It is possible, likely refers to."
The org's writing committee is probably, or possibly correct. Or maybe just potentially right in what they say. Whatever, it must be the truth!
Page 10, par. 1 - "[God] wants you to show honor on a human level, such as to government officials."
You mean like when a judge orders you to produce documents, or you'll have to pay a $4000 per day fine?
Page 13, par. 15 - "The two could seek Bible-based help from congregation elders. While the elders avoid taking sides, they could offer Scriptural advice."
Could????? There's no "could" about it. The elders will demand to be involved if they get to hear of any JW's who are having marital difficulties.
Page 19, par.1 - "Teachers, guidance counselors, or others may have encouraged you to pursue higher education and a lucrative career. Jehovah, however, advises you to take a different course."
Yup, I remember God saying something in the 10 commandments about the Israelites having to avoid higher education.
Page 19, par. 2 - "[God] knows what lies ahead for the present world and he knows how soon its end will come."
Yup, but does the "slave" know? No? Didn't think so!
Page 21, par. 8 - "Soon, every part of Satan's world will come crashing down."
There's that word again - "soon."
Page 21, par. 10 - "you quickly recognize each other’s “language” - the “pure language” of truth."
You quickly recognize each other's unquestioning conformity to WTBTS dogma!
Box on Page 27 - "Some practical goals."
A list of "practical goals" to serve the org's needs - not advice on how to provide for your day-day needs.
Donating Online
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini have just heard that the local needs item next week in the uk is to be about a new arrangement for donating online.
details will be in the september announcements letter due out on sept 3rd.
speculate at will!.
The Fall Guy
Local Needs Item for September 3 2018
Dear Co-Conspirators:
Since it has now been over 6 weeks since we last shoved the cult's begging bowl in your faces, the powers-that-be in the Warwick, N.Y. compound felt it was now time to impose yet another method to enrich the "slave's" parasitic lifestyle.
Please note that the local needs part in the midweek meeting for September 3, 2018, should be dedicated to begging the congregation's sheep to adopt a new system of fleecing online.
Please be assured of our warm, conditional Christian love and best wishes.
Your brothers-in-ripping off,
Service Department, Pharisaic House, Beth-Hell,
Long-goneLondon. -
Bumped Into One Of My Best Friends On The Carts This Morning
by pale.emperor inso this morning i'm walking to my office and there's the jws on their carts outside as usual.
and old sister, a brother in his 20s and an elder i instantly recognized from my jw days.
one of my best friends of about 20 years.. i genuinely just wanted to say hi as i havent seen him in 3 years.
The Fall Guy
Excellently handled.
"Who's being Christ-like here?"
I'll bet he was agitated by that for the rest of the day!
German businessman registers "Watchtower" and "Awake!" trademarks, expects offer from JWs
by processor inseriously.. https://www.wuv.de/marketing/unternehmer_sichert_sich_marken_der_jehovas.
businessman felt harassed by jws, so he found that word marks "der wachtturm" and "erwachet!
" (german versions of "the watchtower" and "awake!
The Fall Guy
Wunderbar Herr Resch!
I hope you succeed, and I hope you realise that you can name your own price if you do win.